7. Le Gamaar Cinema
In this dawning age of digital in Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino is one of the few strong supporters of keeping the prospect of film alive. He is actually the owner of the New Beverly Cinema in LA, a specialty movie house that still only projects on 35mm. So it was no surprise that in his 2009 masterpiece Inglorious Basterds, a classic cinema plays a key part in the story. Le Gamaar Cinema is a small movie house in Paris owned and operated by Shosanna aka Emmanuelle (Melanie Laurent). One night while he catches her changing the marquee, Nazi war hero Frederick Zoller (Daniel Bruhl) becomes infatuated with both the cinema and Emmanuelle. He arranges to have the film about his exploits in the war, Nation's Pride, play at her cinema. Thus, the majority of the Nazi party will be in attendance for the screening, making Operation Kino, the murder of Hitler among others, take in effect at Le Gamaar. There is no one location in the film that plays such a significant part as the cinema does, and this is not only Tarantino's love letter to the cinemas of yesteryear, but a way to celebrate film and keep it's legacy alive.