10 Teased Movie Endings That Frustratingly Never Happened

7. The Rock Becomes Giant - Rampage

Rampage Dwayne Johnson
Warner Bros.

Rampage is a textbook example of a movie that knew exactly what it was and delivered the expected insanity accordingly.

But in a movie that saw The Rock teaming up with a giant CGI gorilla to battle a giant CGI crocodile and a giant CGI wolf with wings, all people really wanted to see was a gigantic, 50-foot Dwayne Johnson layin' the smack down on some digital beasties.

And deep into the third act, it actually seemed like fans were about to get their wish, as Johnson's protagonist Davis Okoye ends up shot in the abdomen.

But just when it seems like Davis will need to ingest the mutagen in order to survive - and grow to epic proportions in the process - he basically just shrugs the gunshot off and gets on with the rest of the movie.

This could've been the stunningly stupid capper on a surprisingly entertaining movie, but instead fans were left hoping that the sequel might remedy this oddball omission. Seriously, this was a bats**t crazy open goal and they totally missed it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.