10 Teased Movie Endings That Frustratingly Never Happened
8. The Freeze-Frame Kiss - Source Code
File Duncan Jones' inventive sci-fi Source Code under Films That Almost Ended Perfectly, because Jones actually arrives at the right ending for his story and characters, only to prattle on for a few extra minutes and basically ruin it.
The sci-fi thriller ends with Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) identifying the train bomber and completing his mission.
Stevens, whose body was destroyed in war and is having his consciousness transmitted into the mind of a man in various parallel universe "simulations" of the train attack, asks to be re-inserted into the simulation once more, after which Captain Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) is free to terminate the life support of his physical body.
So, Stevens is sent back into the train scenario, quickly subdues the bomber and gets a sweet moment with the woman he's quickly fallen for, Christina (Michelle Monaghan).
The two kiss just as Goodwin switches off Stevens' life support, causing the simulation to end on a freeze-frame, at which point Jones presents a perfect, joyous still moment of happiness onboard the train, with all these people locked in it forever more.
But sentimentality sadly wins out, and moments later this reality un-freezes, splintering off to become its own separate parallel universe.
In addition to being excessively sappy, the fact that Stevens is now inhabiting the body of another man as he hopes to live happily ever after with Christina is creepier than anyone involved with the film wants to admit.
Trapping the victims of the attack in this moment would've been brilliantly bittersweet, but Jones sadly couldn't help himself.