10 Terrible Actors Who Won The Hollywood Lottery

5. Kevin James

Paul Blart Mall Cop Kevin James
Columbia Pictures

While it would be disingenuous to suggest that Kevin James owes all of his success to Adam Sandler - after all, he starred in the sitcom King of Queens for close to a decade - almost his entire Hollywood output has had Sandler involved in some form.

Since co-starring with Sandler in 2007's I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - the very same year that King of Queens wrapped up - the overwhelming majority of James' movie projects have either been produced by his pal or co-starred him.

And it goes without saying that not one of these movies - Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Zookeeper and Here Comes the Boom, to name a few - have done anything to suggest James has anything to offer the world of comedy beyond overdone "fat guys falls over" slapstick tosh.

There's probably a version of James' career that went totally differently after the release of Hitch in 2005, but he tethered himself to Sandler, chased the cash all the way to the bank and left any possibility of artistic fulfilment in the dust.

Though Hollywood seems to have given up casting him in starring roles as of late, he's nevertheless worth an estimated $80 million, and as long as he's friends with Sandler, he's always going to have those supporting role paychecks coming in.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.