10 Terrible Actors Who Won The Hollywood Lottery

4. Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts Nerve

And now for another classic case of Hollywood nepotism at its finest. There sure are worse ways to start your acting career than being the daughter of an Oscar nominee (Eric Roberts) and the niece of one of the biggest stars on the planet (Julia Roberts).

In addition to having her aunt's A-list clout on her side, it can't hurt that Emma Roberts has inherited her photogenic movie star appeal, paving an easy road for her to win roles in a glut of family-friendly movies early in her career.

In more recent years she's transitioned over to more "mature" fare such as Scream 4 and a recurring role in FX's American Horror Story, yet she's never given anything beyond a totally forgettable, unremarkable performance.

Without her family name and stunning resemblance to one of the most famous actors on the planet, would she be anything more than another jobbing actor in a sea of them?

Then again, she did just star in a pizza-centric rom-com with Hayden Christensen. No, really.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.