10 Terrible CGI Moments in High-Budget Movies

6. King Kong - Dinosaur Stampede (2005)

http://youtu.be/8LFQun4HQj8 Another entry for Peter Jackson, this is one scene that I knew was going to be a tough sell from the second I caught a glimpse of it in the trailer. While the dinosaurs themselves look passable, and the actors look great in the practical sets, when the two are combined, it is laughably unconvincing. It all goes to pot when the dinosaurs catch up with the humans, and Jack Black's character is stumbling between the legs of the giant beast; the composition of CGI with live-action here looks horrifically false, and the actors appear as though they're trying their best to interact with something which, of course, isn't actually there. Once the dinosaurs actually begin killing some of the nameless characters, it gets worse; they disappear under the dino's feet in a blurry, incoherent mess, and the swooping, overly busy camera shots do little to help this. So often, this scene feels like some sort of special 3D attraction you might see at a theme park rather than a $200m blockbuster. Also, watch as Jamie Bell staggers against a crumbling cliff near the end of the sequence; there aren't any dinos too close to him, and it still looks ludicrously fake. What should have been an extremely exciting scene is almost completely derailed by the pathetic blending of CGI and live action.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.