10 Terrible Characters In Otherwise Awesome Movies

1. Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw) - Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom

Willie Scott Indiana Jones.jpg

Look up 'awful characters in great movies' in the dictionary, and it wouldn't be a great surprise to see a photograph of Kate Capshaw's Willie Scott. The Raiders of the Lost Ark sequel has always divided opinion, and until Kingdom of the Crystal Skull showed up, it was widely classed as the worst Indiana Jones movie. And one of the key reasons for this hate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is Indy's new love interest.

It's fair enough that Spielberg and Lucas wanted a character who stood apart from Raiders' female lead, Karen Allen's Marion - but Willie differs from Marion in all the worst ways. Where Marion was tough, sharp-witted and almost as gutsy as Indy, Willie is 100% pure primadonna, constantly complaining about everything, screaming at anything even remotely scary, and doing basically nothing to help Indy on his quest whatsoever.

Complaints of sexism are well-founded, but the principle complaint must simply be how painfully irritating the character is. Let's be honest; when Indy rescues her from being sacrificed in the lava pit, how many of us wished he hadn't bothered?

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