10 Terrible Films That Tricked Us With Awesome Posters

2. Heaven's Gate (1980)

The multiple posters advertising Heaven's Gate commendably adhere to the epic western genre of the film. The posters are classic expressions of American patriotism, old-timey trimmings, and quintessential Western quirks. The film, however, is not nearly as epic as its classification would have it, and, for a western, surprisingly little justice is won -- that is, towards the western genre itself.

The multiple posters advertising Heaven's Gate commendably adhere to the epic western genre of the film. The posters are classic expressions of American patriotism, old-timey trimmings, and quintessential Western quirks. From aged-looking texture to Eastwood-looking depictions of male characters, ever poster appears a detail-focused, well-worked charm of western movies and style. However, with posters€™ theme of patriotism comes that of pride, and director Michael Cimino unfortunately seems to have sported more of it towards Heaven€™s Gate than the project was worth. The film is not nearly as epic as its classification would have it. For a western, surprisingly little justice is won -- that is, from this film towards the western genre itself.


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Sydney is from Roswell, Georgia, where she takes pride in Georgia's growing film industry. She is a sophomore at Northwestern University with a minor in Film & Media Studies and a love for writing. Her life has unsuccessfully aspired to model a Keira Knightley period piece. Sydney is most likely to be found in an emptied theater viewing the credits and sipping her staple drink: all the theater’s sodas mixed together.