10 Terrible Horror Movies That Reward You For Staying Until The End

9. Wishmaster

The Forest 2016

In Wishmaster, an evil Djinn is released upon the world after a drunk crane operator called Torelli drops the statue he was sealed in.

On paper, a genie deliberately distorting his host's wishes for his own wicked schemes has a lot of potential. Sadly, the Wes Craven-produced flick never lives up to expectations.

Andrew Divoff tries his darnest as the gleeful Djinn, chewing the scenery every time he appears. However, he comes across as campy rather than intimidating, diluting the scare factor. Some of the botched wishes are inventive, but they're let down by awful special effects.

With that said, how the Djinn is destroyed is genius. After cornering the Final Girl, Alexandra Amberson, the titular demon commands her to make a wish. Alexandra refuses at first, knowing the magical fiend will warp her desires into something horrid.

Racking her brain, Alexandra finally realises how to beat the Djinn. Staring him down defiantly, Alexander wishes that Torelli had been sober while transporting the statue several days earlier. Since Torelli didn't clumsily drop the antique, the Djinn was never released, reversing all the damage he'd done since. 

Wishmaster isn't great, but it's hard to think of a smarter way a horror villain has been defeated.

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