10 Terrible Horror Movies That Reward You For Staying Until The End

7. The Last Broadcast

The Forest 2016
FFM Productions

The Blair Witch Project may have popularised pseudo-documentaries, but it wasn't the first of its kind. Not only has that sub-genre been around for decades, there was a similar film released a year earlier.

In 1998, Stefan Avalos and Lance Weiler co-directed The Last Broadcast, a found-footage indie that explores unsolved murders in the Pine Barrens.

Even though The Last Broadcast utilised the fake-doc style before The Blair Witch Project, it didn't leave an impact for one simple reason - it's terrible. It never feels like a genuine documentary due to the stilted performances, while certain lines are repeated with such regularity they end up rendering the whole thing tedious.

However, the final reveal is a real "didn't see that coming" moment. When a data researcher discovers a blurred image of the killer, she uses reconstructive technology to create a clear shot of his face. To her horror, the killer is revealed to be Leigh, the filmmaker behind the documentary.

Before she has a chance to expose him, Leigh appears from behind and strangles her to death. After disposing of the body, Leigh continues with the documentary, without anyone being the wiser.

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