10 Terrible Horror Movies With ONE Incredible Scene

5. The Cable Snaps - Ghost Ship

Jason X Thumbnail
Warner Bros.

One year after he remade Thir13en Ghosts, good old Steve Beck returned for his second attempt at a horror movie. How did this one go? Not great, sadly. 

Ghost Ship, which is about a marine salvage crew who encounter strange apparitions aboard a deserted old cruise liner, didn't make good enough on its premise, delivering a lacklustre supernatural affair that was more obsessed with showing off its special effects than making the audience feel anything.

Most disappointing of all, the opening to Ghost Ship is really promising.

The movie opens on the titular vessel, the Antonia Graza, during its heyday in the 1960s. Guests are dancing, drinking, and generally making merry, all as a shadowy figure prepares to strike.

With everyone in position, the figure tightens a metal cable, causing it to snap and rip through the passengers, slicing heads, arms, and torsos clean in two. It's pretty gristly stuff, made even worse by the only survivor, a young girl named Katie, watching on in horror. 

If only this momentum had been continued throughout the rest of the film. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.