9 Terrible Jobs The Movies Made Look Awesome

3. Server - Waiting

WaitingIn Reality: A lot of you reading this have probably served a tour of duty in food service at some point in your lives. Typically fast food is the first job many of us have as teenagers, standing over a deep fryer for hours in a stupid outfit just to have barely enough money to buy gas for our clunkers. For those of us who've worked as servers and cooks, you already know what a nightmare it can be. If you've ever wanted to know how many cheapskates and a**holes there are in the world, spend some time waiting tables. Despite the fact that many of your customers aren't much better off than you, you're oftentimes spoken down to and treated as a second class citizen. If the service is exceptional, don't expect a thank you or even a significant increase in your tip. But let one mistake happen, regardless if it's yours or not, and a manager is demanded and you're going to get stiffed on the check. People think just because they're shelling out $11.99 for a rubbery steak that they're entitled to speak to you as if you're a peasant. In The Film: Shenaniganz looks like the most fun, carefree place ever. The staff there couldn't give less of a damn about anything at all, other than trying to one up each other by tricking them into looking at their junk. It's a dead end job, but rather than drone on about how unfair life is they've embraced their lack of ambition and have made the best of it. They suck at their job and they're proud of it. There's a remarkable freedom in being able to accept your place in the world, pitiful though it may be.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.