10 Terrible Mars Movies That Don't Bode Well For The Martian

8. Princess Of Mars

The Martian John Carter
The Asylum

Rotten Tomatoes score: None available (but it does have a 3.0 on IMDb)

Box Office: None available

Former underage porn star Traci Lords stars as the eponymous princess in this Asylum backed "mockbuster", a film so awful that it is the perfect counter-argument to anybody who thinks that Disney's John Carter did a bad job with its source material.

As with the Three Musketeers, War Of The Worlds or Sherlock Holmes, the barrel scraping purveyors of pseudo-movies took advantage of the fact that one of the year's big blockbusters had a public domain source to rush a crudely made, hammily acted knock-off with the same character names and a similar-ish DVD cover.

But what becomes of a mockbuster if the supposed blockbuster of which it's a mock up doesn't bust any blocks? All you're left with is a bad derivative knock-off of something that wasn't all that successful anyway.


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