10 Terrible Mars Movies That Don't Bode Well For The Martian

7. The Last Days On Mars

The Martian John Carter
Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 16%

Box Office: $24,084 ($10.6 million budget)

Hardly the first film to have an outbreak of the undead on the Red Planet, and probably not the last, this gloomy, derivative wannabe Alien appeared and disappeared in cinemas so fast last year you would be forgiven for completely forgetting it ever existed.

The film, in which life on Mars turns out to be a fungus that creates zombies, mostly just involves Liev Schreiber and his blandly unmemorable crewmates fighting and escaping space zombies within gloomy, unremarkable space stations.

Utterly derivative, The Last Days On Mars would perhaps have performed better if it embraced the silliness within its unoriginal plotting rather than taking itself quite as overly seriously as it does.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies