10 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined The Marvel Film Universe For Everyone

1. THAT Depiction Of The Mandarin

We could complain about this forever - and we probably will. The Mandarin is Iron Man's arch-nemesis in the comics. He's a classic comic book villain with a rich history of stories and characterisation dating back to 1964. He's Chinese, a descendant of Genghis Khan, a martial artist of otherworldly skill and possesses ten rings, each of which grant him a different exotic superpower (including things like telepathy and control over matter). So imagine the disappointment when he was, at first, presented as nothing more than a bumbling British actor with an alcohol problem and then as Aldrich Killian, a man with Extremis powers and the head of A.I.M. Essentially, neither of those are anything like the comic book version. It's Marvel's biggest error in this continuity to date and caused uproar. Such was the extremity of the fan complaints, they caused Marvel to perform a U-turn and acknowledge that the real Mandarin is actually still out there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The recent Marvel One-Shot "All Hail the King" revealed that the real Mandarin was angry at Trevor Slattery - the aforementioned bumbling British actor - for portraying him in the way that he did. Will the real Mandarin be unleashed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Who knows? But the original presentation of the character was almost franchise suicide by Marvel. So there you have it - ten terrible mistakes that almost ruined the Marvel Cinematic Universe for everyone. Do you agree? Which other errors in the MCU were detrimental to the franchise? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.