10 Terrible Movies Everyone Goes Way Too Easy On

10. Batman Forever

Warner Bros. Pictures

In the Internet age, fan backlash is a potent poison that can spread mere days after a new film hits cinema screens. A new release arrives on the Friday and by the Monday everyone in fan circles knows it's a pile of tat. Rarely, however, does such bile escape geek circles to seep into the popular consciousness or, gasp, affect the box office. Despite Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises, Man Of Steel and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 all receiving a strong grubbing by fans shortly after release (unfair in the former two cases) not one of them performed any different to what you'd expect them to.

But in the early days of the internet, one case extreme dislike did manage to completely destroy a film's financial prospect and put its franchise on ice for almost a decade. We're talking, of course, about Batman And Robin. Universally hated, Joel Schumacher's toy commercial's position as a massive flop stems almost entirely from the audience's vocal distaste for the film destroying its box office takings following opening weekend. Even now, almost two decades on it is still the nadir of the entire genre (although Green Lantern did try hard).

The thing is, much of what made Batman And Robin such an embarrassment was already present in Batman Forever two years earlier. Child friendly, angst-lite approach? Check. Day-glo Gotham? Check. Complex villains simplified to one personality trait? Check. Contrived introduction of an apprentice dominating the story? Check. Bat nipples? Check (seriously). They're one Bat credit card/Superman joke away from being the exact same movie. Just because Batman And Robin did it worse, doesn't mean Forever should get away with turning Two Face into a knock-off Joker.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.