10 Terrible Movies That Reward You For Staying Until The End

8. I Am Number 4

Amazing Spider Man 2 Gwen Stacy Death

Based on a popular teen novel - back when those were all the rage - I Am Number Four from 2011 is centred around John Smith, a teenage boy who is secretly a superpowered alien being hunted down by the species that invaded his home planet. 

He must also face another great challenge - American high school. Hasn't the poor kid suffered enough?

Pretty much all of the promise of the book was wasted on screen, which didn’t poll well with those who had read it nor those who went in completely blind. The problem was that pretty much all of the action took place right at the end of the film, which is a tragedy, cos this was really fun. 

The movie closes with a big ol’ fight between John and another of his alien pals and some big beasties sent to kill him. There’s even a dog that shapeshifts into a awesome alien creature! How cool is that?!

Sadly, even this genuinely enjoyable sci-fi fracas couldn’t save the rest of the movie from being really boring. Plans for an adaptation of the book’s sequel were scrapped and the series is now largely forgotten.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.