10 Terrible Movies That Should Have Stayed In Development Hell

6. Freddy vs. Jason

Will Smith Gemini Man
New Line Cinema

Fans had wanted to see two of slasher cinema's biggest icons go head-to-head for years on the big screen, and the brains behind both the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th took this on board, with attempts to film a crossover beginning as early as 1987.

The final shot of 1993's Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday saw Freddy's gloved hand bursting out of the dirt, leading many to speculate that we'd see the showdown between the mass murderers sooner rather than later, but it would be another ten years before Freddy vs. Jason finally reached our screens.

It may have done solid business at the box office and included plenty of fan service that appealed to longtime aficionados of both franchises, but Freddy vs. Jason is not a good movie. It bears all the tropes of early 2000s horror including awful CGI, a cast of characters that exist as little other than cannon fodder, and the all-important nu-metal soundtrack, and served as an example of why sometimes caving into other people's demands isn't the greatest idea.


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