10 Terrible Movies That Tricked Us With Awesome Posters

7. Psycho (1998)

Phantom Menace Vader shadow
Universal Pictures

What The Poster Promised Us: Remaking such a classic is a risky endeavour but in the hands of an acclaimed director with both indie and mainstream success like Gus Van Sant it might not be totally awful and unnecessary.

The reference to Psycho’s iconic shower scene suggests a certain level of faithfulness to Alfred Hitchcock’s original but it’s bloodier elements give the impression this Psycho might up the gore ante for modern horror fans.

What We Actually Got: A pointless shot for shot remake whose only deviations from the original classic are either superficial (updating the era from the 60s to the 90s and shooting in colour rather than black and white) or unnecessary – notably having Norman Bates masturbate as he watches Marion Crane undress through a peephole complete with realistic slapping sounds.

We’re pretty sure this godawful remake had Hitchcock rolling in his grave.

Psycho Poster
Universal Pictures

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