10 Terrible Movies That Tricked Us With Awesome Posters

2. Showgirls

Phantom Menace Vader shadow
United Artists

What The Poster Promised Us: Although it kind of looks like a character from Silent Hill, there’s something undeniably stylish about the Showgirls poster. Art photography fans might’ve recognised the image as reminiscent of Tono Stano’s visually arresting black and white works focusing on the female body while Saved by the Bell fans were probably just excited they might get to see a little more of star Elizabeth Berkley.

Either way, though the poster is definitely provocative there’s a subtle, less is more vibe to the one sheet that suggest we’re going to see a risqué but classy movie.

What We Actually Got: How wrong could we have been? Generally accepted as one of the worst films ever made in the history of cinema, Showgirls was actually a smut-fest and received a then record-breaking seven Golden Raspberry Awards in 1996 plus an additional Worst Picture of the Decade award in 2000.

And how could we forget that cringeworthy pool sex scene with Berkley and co-star Kyle MacLachlan in which Berkley thrashes around so much she looks like an overly enamoured dolphin having some kind of seizure? Jesus Christ.

Showgirls FUll
United Artists

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