10 Terrible Movies That Were Actually Groundbreaking

6. Star Trek: Generations Was The First Movie To Have Its Own Website

Jason X

Star Trek: Generations may not quite be Star Trek V levels of bad, but it nevertheless upholds the franchise's odd-numbered "curse," with this, the seventh Trek film, being such a brutal letdown.

Despite being sold on the fan-serving thrill of Captains Kirk (William Shatner) and Picard (Patrick Stewart) teaming up for an improbable adventure, this actually ends up being a rather brief and not terribly charming part of the movie.

Moreover, Kirk dies a resoundingly lousy death that still leaves a sour taste in fans' mouths almost 30 years (!) later.

But Generations did nevertheless pull off a cinematic first - it was the first movie in history to have its own promotional website, narrowly beating out Stargate.

Given that only around 11 million people had Internet access around the globe in 1994, it's impressive that the website was still viewed millions of times in the lead up to Generations' release.

In the years that followed it simply became another facet of movie marketing that every film had their own website, and Star Trek: Generations is the one that made it all happen.

If you're curious to see the website for yourself, it's been handily archived here.

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Jason X
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.