10 Terrible Movies That Were Actually Groundbreaking

5. The Room Was The First Film Shot On Film & Digital AT THE SAME TIME

Jason X
TPW Films

Much as Tommy Wiseau's The Room is an undeniable cult classic in its own way, by any conventional metric it's an awful movie - a failure in almost every way that a film can be.

Yet Wiseau's "disasterpiece" does lay claim to an hilariously dubious yet still strangely impressive honour - it's the first film to ever be shot on film and digital simultaneously. Yup.

For reasons that will likely only ever be clear to Wiseau himself, he wanted to become the first director to pull off this odd technical feat, which he achieved by having a custom camera rig built which could house two cameras - one shooting 35mm film, the other digital.

This reportedly required Wiseau to employ two camera crews to operate the dual rig and caused substantial slowdowns during production.

It's an interesting feat, for sure, but ultimately one has to ask - why? The final film is comprised solely of the 35mm footage, and the digital version has never been released, so what was the point beyond "just because we could"?

Never change, Mr. Wiseau, you brilliantly barmy bastard.

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Jason X
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.