10 Terrible Movies With Awesome Endings

1. Dracula 2000

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It's always a bad sign when a movie plasters the name of someone tangentially associated with it all over the marketing.

And so, when Dracula 2000 billed itself with executive producer Wes Craven's name as a prefix, it felt like a calculated admission that the film couldn't rest on its own merits.

And indeed, Dracula 2000 sucks - an aggressively early-2000s riff on Dracula which, with its edgy nu metal soundtrack and painfully dated wardrobe choices, is a comically stodgy product of its era.

It is, for 90% of its runtime, a thoroughly uninteresting reimagining of Dracula lore, until it finally trips and stumbles over its one truly great idea in a closing scene.

Here, it's revealed that Dracula (Gerard Butler) is actually Judas Iscariot, who was cursed by God to live forever as a vampire due to his betrayal of Jesus Christ.

It's one of those revelations that genuinely forces viewers to reconsider everything they've just seen, and though Dracula 2000 is still a fundamentally bad movie, its final rug pull does provide some wildly unexpected food for thought.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.