10 Terrible Movies With One Incredible Scene

7. Michael Jordan's "Cameo" - Space Jam: A New Legacy

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg
Warner Bros.

You won't find many people sticking up for last summer's risible legacy sequel Space Jam: A New Legacy, which attempted to update the formula of the 1996 Michael Jordan-starring sports comedy by doubling down on all the meta things.

The result was a scarcely coherent and totally exhausting $150 million blockbuster trainwreck, jam-packed with garish visual effects and the groan-worthy inclusion of near-countless Warner Bros. properties.

Cynicism dripped from every pore of its creation, except perhaps for that glorious cameo from "Michael Jordan."

At half-time during the climactic basketball match between the Tune Squad and the Goon Squad, Sylvester the Cat (Jeff Bergman) gleefully announces that he's found Michael Jordan to help them pull back a victory.

But as the original film's star makes his apparent appearance, he's revealed instead to be Michael B. Jordan, the beloved Creed and Black Panther star.

Given that a cameo from the Michael Jordan seemed like a very real possibility, this was an absolutely hilarious subversion of expectations - a rug-pull that overcame the disappointment of Jordan's absence by giving us something arguably better.

And to top it all off, the brief cameo ends with Daffy Duck (Eric Bauza) asking Sylvester, "We couldn't get Michael A. Jordan so we got Michael B. Jordan!?"

In a largely miserable, creativity-devoid exercise, this was basically genius.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.