10 Terrible Movies With One Incredible Scene

3. The Hornet Attack - Case 39

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg
Paramount Pictures

Horror flick Case 39 was shot in 2006 but went unreleased until 2009, shortly after Bradley Cooper hit it big with The Hangover and Paramount presumably believed his presence in the movie could actually help boost its box office (spoiler: it didn't).

Yet despite a solid cast - also including Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, and Ian McShane - this is a painfully by-the-numbers supernatural horror romp that adds nothing even remotely new to the overbaked demonic subgenre.

There is, however, one fantastically gnarly mid-film sequence in which Douglas (Cooper), the best friend of protagonist Emily (Zellweger), dies a most unforgettably horrific death.

After telling the demonic Lilith (Ferland) that he's scared of hornets, Douglas finds himself being attacked by them in the middle of the night.

As he attempts to subdue the swarm, however, he witnesses hornets beginning to crawl out of eyes and nose, resulting in another swarm bursting out of his mouth.

The hornets aren't real, but rather part of an hallucination created by Lilith, which nevertheless prompts a panicking Douglas to violently thrash his head around and end up snapping his own neck.

The potential for silliness in a scene like this speaks for itself, but considering the primal, lizard brain fear that the mere buzz of an angry wasp incites, this is terrifying on an extremely visceral level.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.