10 Terrible Movies With One Incredible Scene

2. Max's Drug Trip - Max Payne

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg

Max Payne should've been among the easier video game properties to adapt into movie form, because while it certainly owes a lot of its style to cinema itself, it also brings enough of its own noirish sensibility to the table to not feel like a pure rip-off.

But 2008's Max Payne movie was a sure dud, hampered by workmanlike direction from John Moore, a script that listlessly cycled through the first game's narrative beats, and the dual miscasting of Mark Wahlberg as Max and Mila Kunis as femme fatale Mona Sax.

There's not even much action in it for a Max Payne movie, though Moore does strike fleeting gold near the end of the film, when Max is almost drowned and, in an attempt to prevent himself dying from hypothermia, takes a dose of the hallucinogenic, vitality-giving drug Valkyr.

As Max rejuvenates, he sees intense visions of Valkyries flying around him, before he heads to the Aesir Cooperation's headquarters and uses the drug's sense-enhancing properties to mow down fleets of bad guys, before finally killing the villainous B.B. (Beau Bridges).

It's the one sequence in the film that gets anywhere close to the mile-a-minute thrills and striking visuals of the video games, yet you have to sit through 80 minutes of pure guff to get there.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.