10 Terrible Movies With One Redeeming Feature

6. Gun Kata - Equilibrium

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates

After The Matrix revolutionized the action movie in 1999, thousands of pale imitators began to swamp theaters in its wake with alarming regularity. In the early part of the 21st Century you were barely even able to turn around without bumping into a dystopian future where everybody wore black, carried guns and spouted a ton of philosophical bullsh*t.

Equilibrium was one such movie, and absolutely tanked at the box office to boot. However, it did boast one memorable feature; Gun Kata. Guns and Kung Fu, together in a hybrid style at last! It was exactly what the intended target audience was after, it was just a shame it didn't come in a better movie.

Devised by writer/director Kurt Wimmer in his backyard (seriously), the creative team worked hard to come up with a brand new cinematic fighting style that was utterly ridiculous but also really, really cool the first time you saw it. In that regard, they succeeded.

The rapid-fire action sequences would make great use of the unique Gun Kata techniques, so much so that it would almost make you forget how bad the rest of the movie actually was.


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