10 Terrible Movies With Overlooked Positives

1. Raul Julia's Uproarious Performance - Street Fighter

Street Fighter Raul JuliaWhy It Sucked: Why not? Aside from butchering the video game's characters, this is a horribly acted, lame-brained action movie that annoyed fans of the games and was ripped to shreds by critics. Aside from an enduring cult fandom for its campness, this one is dead on arrival. I mean, Kylie Minogue as Cammy, really? The Overlooked Positive: Raul Julia gives his final screen performance as M. Bison in Street Fighter, and didn't he really deserve a better one to go out on? Apparently Julia, who knew he was dying of stomach cancer, took the part for the sake of his children who requested it, and The Washington Post famously commented of Julia that he was "an actor far too skilled for the demands of the evil warlord, Gen. M. Bison, but far too professional to give anything less than his best." And isn't that true. Julia is easily the best thing in the movie, giving an entertainingly hammy performance that makes it clear he knows what sort of movie he's in, and is just having fun with it as his final film role. The circumstances behind it are unquestionably heartbreaking, but he's a bright spark in an otherwise extremely dim movie. What are some other overlooked positives in horrendous movies? Let us know in the comments below.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.