10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

1. Shadowland

Daredevil will return to live-action as a member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on Netflix this April. The first season appears to be chronicling his very early days as a vigilante, with the Man Without Fear suiting up in a very early prototype costume from Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.'s retelling of his origin story. Assuming the series lasts for multiple seasons, here's hoping it never makes the mistake of adapting Andy Diggle's Shadowland. In the story, Daredevil is possessed by a demon, causing him to go insane, and he barricades himself in a fortress in the middle of New York City, which is later taken down by street level heroes like Spider-Man and Luke Cage. This story could work in the right hands, but the mystical elements just felt too out of place after the grounded and gritty runs by Brian Michael Bendis and Ed Brubaker, and more than likely would in the MCU too. A character like Daredevil is just better suited to a more realistic setting, and as soon as you introduce an ancient force which turns his costume black and makes the horns on it grow, you know that something has gone horribly wrong. What other moments from the comics are you hoping don't make it into the MCU? Let us know in the comments below.

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