10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

2. Captain America Becomes An Old Man

This is the reason The Falcon took over as Captain America, and looking back over the history of Captain America, him becoming an old man is far from a new or original idea. If Marvel Studios decide that killing off Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War is too dark (Marvel Studios are owned by Disney after all), perhaps they'll find a way of negating the super soldier serum in the patriotic superhero's blood in order to take him off the table? Chris Evans is only signed up with Marvel for six movies, so making Captain America an old man could allow them to hire an older actor to fill in for him, keeping Steve around in a mentor-like role until they want to bring Evans back. That would probably be in Avengers: Infinity War, but this whole thing just feels a bit too silly, even for a comic book movie. It's played out in the comic books, and bringing the idea to the big screen could be disastrous.

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