10 Terrible Superhero Movies With One Redeeming Feature

7. Green Lantern: Mark Strong's Sinestro

X-Men Origins Wolverine Opening
Warner Bros

Green Lantern was a loud, brash, goofy mess that squandered decades of rich comic book mythology, but there were positives to pick out amongst all the bad CGI.

One that instantly springs to mind is Mark Strong's portrayal of Sinestro, one of the few things in the film that could be taken seriously. The Kingsman star brought gravitas to the Korugarian and his strict, military man persona. The friction between his character and Ryan Reynolds's Hal Jordan is what drove the story.

Strong's Sinestro came across as heroic, yet it was easy to buy why he would turn himself over to the darkness in a sequel which never happened.

Warner Bros and DC's movie division will almost certainly recast the iconic role when their Green Lantern Corps movie gets off the ground, and whoever inherits it could do far worse than study Strong's portrayal to pick up a few tips.


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