10 Terrible Third Acts That Ruined Recent Movies

7. Five Nights At Freddy's

The Flash

If Five Nights at Freddy's overly sluggish build-up proved frustrating, in the very least that third act would surely let loose with all the murderous animatronic mayhem fans paid their good money to see, right?

Err, not quite.

Even if you can forgive how overpoweringly tame it all is - the video games are largely bloodless themselves, after all - there's not much imagination or creativity on offer.

Beyond that, the reveal that career counselor Steve Raglan (Matthew Lillard) is actually the game series' overarching antagonist, William Afton, was not only howlingly predictable - Lillard being way too famous to play a mere disposable supporting character - but came off as clumsy fan-service.

And even if you can also forgive the various strangely unresolved plot points - like cop Vanessa (Elizabeth Lail) ending up in a coma and Mike (Josh Hutcherson) having to explain how his aunt's corpse wound up in his house - for anyone unfamiliar with the games, the finale failed to make much sense of all the convoluted lore it introduced.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.