10 Terrible Threequels That Ruined A GREAT Trilogy

1. Pitch Perfect 3

Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Pitch Perfect is one of those franchises nobody really saw coming - the original musical comedy was an unexpected delight that found a perfect niche for itself by exploring the bizarre subculture of competitive a cappella.

The first sequel managed to recapture the same glory courtesy of its likeable cast, quirky sense of humour, and banger music selection, but Pitch Perfect 3 went and made a deeply misguided genre-busting pivot.

While it was theoretically admirable for the third film to not simply rehash the series' prior successes, was anyone angling for this threequel to turn into a spy movie parody totally out of nowhere?

And even if the peculiar divergence into action-comedy territory somehow worked against the odds, the songs and villains are both considerably weaker than those of the prior films, ending this otherwise pep-filled trilogy on a sour bum note.

It is a classic "nobody asked for this" sequel, and a sure-fire instance where just repeating what worked the first two times would've been the smart way to go.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.