10 Terrible Threequels That Ruined A GREAT Trilogy

2. Maxxxine

Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Ti West's X trilogy came totally outta nowhere, with 2022's eponymous slasher flick delivering a dizzyingly entertaining homage to the genre's past, topped by a star-making dual performance from Mia Goth.

And then West revealed that he'd secretly filmed a Technicolour-spiced prequel, Pearl, at the same time as X, which was similarly fondly embraced by the horror community and critics at large, while many even considered Goth's superb performance worthy of Academy Award consideration.

And so, expectations were high for the trilogy-concluding Maxxxine, which leapt into the 1980s to deliver a love letter to Italian giallo horror. 

And though Maxxxine oozes style and Mia Goth once again seems suitably up for the workout, this series-capper ended up falling far short of the mark.

Despite an intriguing setup, Maxxxine doesn't give Goth nearly as much as to do, ensuring Maxine Minx ends up feeling a touch flat as a protagonist. 

But the film is fatally hobbled by its deeply clunky third act, which in addition to delivering a hilariously predictable plot twist, arrives at an ending that doesn't feel even remotely earned.

After knocking it out of the park twice, what a disappointment for part three to end up clumsily sputtering to the finish line.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.