10 Terribly Cheap Mockbusters That Ripped Off Famous Movies

1. Chop Kick Panda

Kung Fu Panda Chop Kick Panda
DreamWorks / Renegade Animation

There is something about the title Chop Kick Panda that elicits a laugh or a giggle. It's a blatantly obvious cash-in on Kung Fu Panda, but the movie name is so dumb it's just a little bit funny.

As you can imagine, there's not a lot to separate Chop Kick Panda from its more legitimate Kung Fu counterpart. Both follow Pandas who daydream about becoming martial arts superstars but must overcome a dastardly villain to save the day.

However, this release has changed enough little details to prevent it from a lawsuit. It's the same basic copy and paste methodology that lazy students use to copy an essay and ensure they don't get caught for plagiarism.

The unusual things about this cheap production are not only that the 2D animation is pretty decent, but the credentials of some of the people behind it are also surprising.

It's directed by Darrell Van Citten, an animator who's worked on Disney's The Fox and the Hound, and was written by one of the co-writers of Halloween H20. Before you get excited though, it's still a painfully blatant ripoff that pales in comparison to the movie it's riding the curtails of.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.