10 Terribly Cheap Mockbusters That Ripped Off Famous Movies

2. Snakes On A Train

Kung Fu Panda Chop Kick Panda
New Line Cinema / The Asylum

Snakes on a Plane was the creature feature everybody in the world never knew they wanted until they got it. The 2006 movie, starring Samuel L. Jackson fighting deadly snakes within the confines of a plane, is a genuine hoot to watch. Depending on your tolerance for bad movies, the same could be said for Snakes on a Train.

Fundamentally speaking, this is not a good feature. The quality of the CGI is worse than any Anaconda movie and the acting is indescribable. That being said, its one saving grace is the fact it has one of the most ludicrous setups and explanations for how snakes began to slither amok a train.

Not to ruin it for anyone, but it contains a Mayan curse, snake eggs, shamans, and a full-length train being consumed by a gigantic snake.

For the purveyors of bad movies, this is essential viewing. For everybody else, you'll never know how much you'll enjoy it until you try. You'll laugh at least once, which is more than you would have if you watched Movie 43.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.