10 Terrifying Horror Films That Exploit Your Everyday Fears

1. Fear Of Losing Your Individuality - Night Of The Living Dead (1968)

When George Romero€™s first film tore its way onto cinema screen, its zombies spooked us all. Not just because they€™d rend you limb from limb and nosh on your brains as soon as look at you, but because they represented something horrifying: the idea of becoming one in a gigantic, mindless herd. We all strive to be an individual, though doing so often means sticking your head above the parapet and risking being shot. How do we fight an oncoming horde that wishes only to destroy that aspect of ourselves and make us one of them? Zombies don€™t stop: even when we rest, when we sleep, they just keep coming. Is there much more frightening than the idea that, no matter how far or how fast we run, eventually we€™ll be drawn in to their number? What about the idea that, in fact, it would be easier to simply give in and join the shambling crowd? Which other horror movies are really playing on incredibly real fears? Share any more down in the comments.

Jen is an actor, writer and clown, living and working in London.