10 Terrifying Horror Movie Villains Hiding In Plain Sight

4. The Woman - Inside

Hereditary Monster
La Fabrique de Films

It's easy to see what inspired The Strangers by taking a look at Inside, a French home invasion horror that pits pregnant Sarah against another woman that's attempting to kill her in her own home. Replete with some gnarly uses of scissors and cringe inducing gore, Inside is not a pleasant watch - but it is one that telegraphs exactly what's happening from very early out.

The mysterious woman that ends up terrorising Sarah is watching her from the very beginning. In an early park sequence where Sarah photographs a couple and their child, she can be seen staring from behind a bush - with the camera focussing and then quickly panning away before she can be noticed on a cursory glance. This is later revealed as a plot point in the photos that Sarah develops, of course, but it's still neat to see her so plainly added to the film for those that are paying close attention the first time around.

Even better is the moment 'La Femme' is right up against Sarah as she wakes up in front of the television. What seems like the darkness of a doorway is the shape of a black coat, as she steps back carefully and silently until just a pale face can be just about glimpsed in the darkness. Creepy.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.