10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

8. Vincent Sinclair - House Of Wax (2005)

House Of The Dead
Warner Bros.

House of Wax was released back in 2005 and is generally seen as being a pretty bad film. Based on a story written by actual film screenwriter Charles Belden, House of Wax is your archetypal slasher flick: a mysterious foe hunts down a group of teenagers, taking them down one at a time until we're left with a standoff between the baddie and our final girl.

It's a plot that has been done countless times in the past, however House of Wax does manage to redeem some points for itself in its unique and terrifying foes, brothers Bo and Vincent Sinclair.

Unlike most slasher films, the Sinclair brothers are given a good amount of screentime before actually being revealed, adding to their overall terror and lending the film some serious tension. The dynamic of the mask-wearing Vincent being dominated by his big brother Bo is also a nice layer of development for the pair.

Vincent is definitely the more memorable of the two brothers, with his distinctive long hair, wax mask and horrific scarring carrying the film's terror throughout. His silent demeanour and brutal obedience under Bo ends up leaving him resembling more monster than man.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.