10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

7. Pumpkinhead - Pumpkinhead (1988)

House Of The Dead
United Artists

Pumpkinhead is a story about loss, vengeance and forgiveness, all of which make for a pretty heavy series of notes to try and hit when the basic premise of your story revolves around a monster killing teenagers.

When a group of local bullies fatally wound his son, Ed Harley seeks out a seriously creepy local witch in a quest for revenge. He digs up a disfigured corpse and immediately awakens Pumpkinhead.

In what was legendary horror icon Stan Winston's debut at the head of special effects, Pumpkinhead makes for an utterly terrifying villain. Towering over everyone in the film, its long arms and sharp talons would be intimidating on their own, however they are complimented beautifully in the film by the creature's huge elongated face.

What arguably makes Pumpkinhead so scary however is the fact that it always wins in the end.

When Harley finally works out that he and the monster are connected together, there's no clever tricks or loopholes that he can call upon to save himself and escape his fate. Two gunshots to the head floors both Harley and the demon, but the film's closing shot pulls no punches in telling us that Pumpkinhead will be back soon enough.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.