10 Theories For How Deadpool Could Join MCU

9. He's Always Been Part Of The MCU

Spider-Man Deadpool

This may sound a little dull, but it wouldn't actually be too hard for Marvel Studios to pull off. Outside of some references to the X-Men (and a cameo from the main franchise's cast that lasted just a few seconds), the Deadpool movies were always pretty self-contained, and the first instalment, in particular, left the door open for a crossover with its final battle.

That took place on top of something that definitely resembled a Helicarrier, and while Marvel Studios might ultimately choose to ignore supporting characters like Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, indicating that Deadpool's adventures took place in a previously unexplored corner of the MCU would definitely work.

In fact, this wouldn't be all that different to how The Incredible Hulk treated 2003's Hulk as having happened, albeit without actually referencing the events of the movie too directly. There are bound to be plenty of jokes which could be made about why Wade Wilson was absent from so many key moments, and having him slot right into the MCU could be the simplest solution.

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