10 Theories For How Deadpool Could Join MCU

8. Deadpool Versus The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man Deadpool
Marvel Comics

If you're a comic book reader, you're probably familiar with the "Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe" stories which have taken place in an alternate timeline where the Merc with the Mouth is tasked with taking out the heroes who inhabit that world. They're a lot of fun, and an adaptation could make for one hell of a movie, and a great introduction for the character.

This could even take place in a separate, R-Rated MCU which does away with any need for lengthy explanations and just has fun inserting the anti-hero into a world where he can interact with familiar faces we never expected he would get the chance to meet, albeit in a standalone series of movies.

Sure, it would mean the present day stories would be lacking Deadpool, but a rebooted version with a different actor could show up eventually, and a story like this means Reynolds' tenure can continue without it negatively affecting whatever Feige has planned for the X-Men in this shared world.

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