10 Things About 80s Movies Everyone Misses Today

1. Cool One-Liners

Honey I Shrunk The Kids Rick Moranis
20th Century Studios

From the funniest joke to the scariest monster to the most emotional on-screen kiss, nothing hits harder in a movie than a well-timed one-liner.

Watching a character demolish an army of enemies and then punctuate the violence with a witty remark is one of the coolest things ever, and the '80s got this trope down to a fine art.

How about John McClane's interactions with Hans Gruber in Die Hard? Or Roddy Piper's thoughts on bubblegum in They Live? Or Scarface introducing us all to his "little friend?" And then... there's Arnie.

Honestly, the former Governor of California could've spoken solely in zingers for the rest of his life and people would still love him. This guy has so many amazing one-liners in his back catalogue, from "If it bleeds, we can kill it", to "I lied", to "Get to the choppaaaaaa!"

Oh, and something about being back? Can never remember that one.

Nobody does great closers like Schwarzenegger, and no decade is better for stupid action hero lines than the '80s.

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terminator police station
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.