10 Things About 80s Movies Everyone Misses Today

6. Shorter Runtimes

Honey I Shrunk The Kids Rick Moranis
Columbia Pictures

In 2022, the highest-grossing film of the year (Avatar: The Way of Water) had a runtime of 192 minutes.

In 1982, the highest-grossing film of the year (E.T.) had a runtime of 114 minutes.

Ok, maybe citing an Avatar movie was a bit unfair, but you get the idea.

It certainly feels like films are getting longer these days, what with your Avengers, and your Justice Leagues, and your big blue people. Even John Wick is clocking in at close to three hours now. The '80s were a different time though - a different, shorter time.

Back to the Future Part II comes in at a sprightly 108 minutes. The original Ghostbusters is 105 minutes. And what about Stand By Me? This '80s classic is over and done with in 89 minutes!

Technology has certainly played its part in making movies longer, but just because something can be three hours, doesn't mean it should be.

For the sake of the lower backs of cinemagoers everywhere, a return to shorter runtimes would be most welcome.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.