10 Things About 80s Movies Everyone Misses Today

5. Training Montages

Honey I Shrunk The Kids Rick Moranis
MGM/UA Entertainment Company

Yes, we are aware that the training montage really took off with the first Rocky movie (which came out in 1976), but there's no denying that the art was mastered in the decade that followed.

Just look at Rocky III. An absolutely iconic sequence of events.

That bit where Rocky pulls the guy into the pool? Genius! Him running on the beach next to Apollo? Heartwarming! The close-up of their jiggling thighs? Beautiful stuff.

The Rocky IV montage took things to another level, when a vengeful Balboa got into shape for his fight against Ivan Drago. But even if you're sick of boxing-based supercuts, then don't worry - the '80s has you covered there too!

Footloose features Kevin Bacon teaching a guy how to dance, ending with that great shot of their feet moving around under the bleacher steps.

If you like your montages on the steamy side, then there's also Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze mentally undressing each other to the tune of Hungry Eyes from Dirty Dancing.

While the Creed films have done their best to revive this beloved format, there's no way that Michael B. Jordan and co. could ever hold a candle to the montages of the '80s.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.