10 Things Batman Movies Have Never Gotten Right About The Dark Knight

1. His Belief In Rehabilitation

Batman Christian Bale
DC Comics

Another key reason why Batman doesn't kill is that he believes everyone can be saved.

It's why he hasn't snapped the necks of mass murderers like the Joker or repaid Bane's breaking of his back by slicing the villain in half - he certainly has the means to do so, yet chooses not to every time because he ultimately believes they can be redeemed, he's the only one crazy enough to.

Replying to such statements by saying things like 'grow up', as many a Zack Snyder fan has, is rather silly as such comments should really be directed at Bruce Wayne himself - a character that effectively has the morals of a child - they haven't changed since the night his parents were killed, hence the bat costume.

To those that would utter such comments though, I leave you with this question: surely amidst the horrors of our world, is a fictional hero with these ideals not what we need right now?

You'll Never Get 100% On This Batman Quiz

Batman Life Size Bust
DC Comics

1. Who Did Batman Make "Robin" After Tim Drake Quit?


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!