10 Things Batman Movies Have Never Gotten Right About The Dark Knight

2. His No-Killing Rule

Batman Christian Bale
Warner Bros.

Batman does not kill. Full stop, no questions asked. He doesn't do it.

Bruce Wayne's reason for becoming Batman was to prevent other children from suffering the same tragedy he once did, and that includes the children of criminals. Wayne, as smart as he is, doesn't know whether or not every individual he faces has children, so killing even a single one of them would effectively taint the entire idea of Batman. The use of firearms would be similarly hypocritical, seeing as his parents were gunned down.

Apparently, none of those involved in creating the Batman movies got this memo, as every single big screen Batman has killed - and not even when fighting god-like beings such as Darkseid, but fairly regular people - which is stupid as it makes the character little better than the serial killers he's after.

Now that Zack "you’re living in a dream world!" Snyder is no longer in control of the character's on-screen direction though, this key Bat-tenet should be far easier to uphold.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!