10 Things DC Fans Don't Want To Accept About The DC Extended Universe

9. The "Whedon Cut" Of Justice League Wasn't Actually That Bad

Superman Man of Steel Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

Look, there's no getting around the fact that the version of Justice League which was released in cinemas was a mess, and a far cry from a great movie. It was, however, far from a disaster and certainly not the unbearable mess some fans argue it to be.

The hatred of the "Whedon Cut" is what birthed the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, and ultimately forced Warner Bros. to go ahead and spend tens of millions of dollars finishing Zack Snyder's Justice League (which, if his past work in the DCEU is any indication, won't exactly be a masterpiece either).

In Whedon's version, Superman actually acted like... well, Superman. There were some cringe-worthy jokes, sure, but when was the last time Snyder delivered anything as fan-pleasing as the Man of Steel and the Flash competing to see who's faster? Even before Ray Fisher's troubling claims about the filmmaker, he was painted as some diabolical madman who set out to destroy Snyder's vision.

That's simply not true. While he may have had a very different idea for how the League should be portrayed, he was just trying to deliver what Warner Bros. wanted.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.