10 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

8. She Was Discovered By Chance

Much like Channing Tatum, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman and a whole host of other well-known actors, Jennifer Lawrence€™s first step on the road to stardom came about from being in the right place at the right time. When she was 14, Jennifer and her mother Karen decided to spend spring break in New York, and one afternoon found themselves watching some street dancers perform in Union Square. A talent scout on the lookout for candidates to potentially star in a commercial for clothing company H&M spotted Lawrence, told them who he was and asked if he could take her picture and forward it to some contacts. Needless to say, Jennifer consented to having her picture taken and soon received a call from the scout to say that several agencies were interested in representing her. On reflecting that €œwe don€™t have anything better to do in New York,€ mother and daughter elected to take some meetings, but Lawrence quickly decided she didn€™t want to be a model and would only join an agency that would give her the opportunity to act. The two returned to Kentucky without having signed with anyone, but Jennifer had now caught the acting bug and begged her parents to let her go to New York and give it a try. They made her a deal that they would allow her to pursue her dream as soon as she graduated from high school; spurred on by her new ambition, she graduated two years early.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.