10 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

5. She€™s A Natural

With three Oscar nominations in the bag before her twenty-fourth birthday and one statue already gracing the mantelpiece, Jennifer Lawrence could even go on to match the awards recognition achieved by the incomparable Meryl Streep. However, Lawrence is not one for method acting or letting her roles consume her. The Kentucky native has never taken acting classes and has the raw ability to turn emotions on and off as the scenes dictate. Lawrence claims that her roles never leave her emotionally drained and that she doesn€™t take her characters€™ pain home with her; imagination is all she needs to succeed:
€œI€™ve never been through anything that my characters have been through. And I can€™t go around looking for roles that are exactly like my life. So I just use my imagination. If it ever came down to the point where, to make a part better, I had to lose a little bit of my sanity, I wouldn€™t do it. I would just do comedies.€
More surprising is the revelation that she doesn€™t like to prepare too much ahead of time and tends to find out what scene she€™s shooting on the day itself, scrambling to memorise the required lines from there. What started out as €œa lazy thing€ has become a habit and, as the actress herself states: €œWell, it ain€™t broke, don€™t fix it.€ Whatever her methods, the results speak for themselves.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.